martedì 5 marzo 2013


L'artista tedesco Wolfgang Stiller presentea i suoi ritratti di charme carbonizzati come parte di una mostra intitolata 'burnout' alla python galleria di Zurigo. Il lavoro è composto da vari busti di legno e di bambù, con le teste umane come conclusione.

German artist Wolfgang Stiller will be presenting his charming charred portraits as part of an exhibition entitled ‘burnout’ at python gallery in Zurich, on from the 8th of March through to the 20th of April, 2013. Either laid to rest in their very own matchbox coffins or splayed about the exhibition space, the blackened matches reference worn out – or more so burned out human beings. The work started from the various head molds and bamboo wood sitting in the artist’s studio which were left over from a movie production in china while he was residing in Beijing. Playing around with the two elements resulted in an eclectic crowd of literal matchstick men.
