lunedì 4 febbraio 2013


Ciò che era iniziato come un esperimento stupido, si è trasformato in una vera e propria hit virale. Alla ricerca di una pausa dal suo flusso di lavoro commerciale, il fotografo Naman del New Mexico, ha riunito un gruppo di amici e un sacco di nastro adesivo.

Parents who leave their kids alone with seemingly innocuous items like glue and sticky tape will certainly live to regret it, but professional photographer Wes Naman’s antics with adhesive have landed him in a pretty sweet spot. What began as a silly experiment born out of Christmas gift wrapping, turned into a full-fledged viral hit. Looking for a break from his flood of commercial work, the 37-year-old New Mexico photographer gathered a group of friends and plenty of Scotch tape and went to work, wrapping their faces to the point of crazy contortion. 
