lunedì 25 febbraio 2013


Il famoso artista londinese Ron Mueck svelerà i suoi nuovi lavori presso la "Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain" di Parigi, che comprende il suo lavoro dal 2005 al 2013. L'opera mette in evidenza il realismo e il potente impiego di proporzioni.

Highly acclaimed London-based artist Ron Mueck will be unveiling new work at the fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain, Paris in his first major exhibition in Europe since 2005, running from the 16th of April through to the 29th september, 2013. To complement six important recent sculptures, the show also includes three pieces produced especially for the event – two teenagers in the street, a mother and baby and an elderly couple on the beach. The opus highlights Mueck’s distinctive rendition of realism and powerful use of scale, proportion and placement.
